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That being said, I cannot and must not use this court as an instrument of revenge or an instrument of appeasement. The pr esent and f uture loss suff ered b y the family an d frien ds of Sandy Ekpakohak is both dreadful and significant. Today, I am tasked with impo sing a fit and fair sen tence in all of th e circumstances of this case and of this offender. My sincere sympathy goes out to each and every one of you. Nothing I do today will in an y way make up for the pain and suffering that Sandy’s family have gone through as a result of losing someone they love. I do this because first names are the ones most commonly used in the community and I find that often it makes what is said less complicated and more human for those who are listening. I mean no d isrespect but I am goin g to refer to the parties m ostly by their first names. There is no doubt that t hese proceedings have been very difficult for the community of Cambridge Bay and more particularly for the Ekpakohak family. The Availability Index and Frequency Use Index data showed that Arecaceae, Pandanaceae, Solanaceae, Zingiberaceae, and Poaceae families were the most widely available plants in the research location and most often used by the community.Good afternoon ladies a nd ge ntlemen. Most of these plants are used as food (ngakan) and traditional medicine (sihat). According to the inventory result, Tidung Tribe utilize 60 plant species in their daily life. There were three instruments in the data collection: questionnaires of list of plant species, quantitative plant assessment instruments, and semi-structured interviews. Informants were obtained by conducting snowball sampling consisting of 22 family heads and as many as 65 people. The five dimensions of basic life needs of Tidung Tribe is that plants are useful as food (ngakan), shelter (baloy), health/medicine (sihat), traditional ceremony (adat), and clothing (memana). This research aimed to make an inventory of plant species used by Tidung Tribe based on the five dimensions of basic life needs of Tidung Tribe. Research results related to the Tidung tribe, especially those related to ethnobotany, are still rare. The Tidung tribe is one of the original inhabitants of North Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ethnobotanical study based on the five dimensions of basic life needs in Tidung Tribe of North Kalimantan, Indonesia. Suciyati A, Suryadarma IGP, Paidi, Abrori FM. Unlikely, in site C (Mentawa, 39 plant species were used traditionally by Balinese people 18 of which were used for medicines, 18 for food, and 13 for ritual ceremonies).

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In research site B (Singkoyo), 52 plant spe es have been extensively used by Javanese people for a wide range of culturally related activities, 28 species were used as medicine, 32 for food, 17 for fuel, 7 for building materials, and 10 for ornaments.

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Tao Taa Wana people have utilized about 43 plant species, 27 of which were used for medicines, 20 for foods, 2 for natural dying, 18 for fuels, 6 for building materials, 5 for ritraditionaluonal ceremonies.

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The number ofthe utiliplantslant was different among the three ethnics. When viewed from the perspective of traditional plant use, the highest ICS of plants utilized by the three ethnics was “coconut” (Cocos Nucifera L). The highest Important Value Index (IVI) of tree, poles, sapling a,nd seedling level of plant species differed among the three research sites. The result showed that the highest number of plant species was found in research site B, bu the highest number of individual plants was noted in research site A. The basic data of traditional plants used by each of the ethnic groups in the research site wer collected through an in-depth interview initiated by an informed consent using a questionnaire containing open-ended questions-fifty (50) respondents from each of the ethnic groups representing different jobs. This paper discusses the result of the study on plant diversity in the Agroforestry system and its traditional uses by the three different ethnicities in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.

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